Thank you for using our module

This module will allow you to synchronize all the data from your PrestaShop store to MailChimp to take advantage of its power for your external communication.
The module will help you maintain a clean contact database with all of the information necessary for the creation of an effective segmentation ecommerce.
I hope that this documentation will help you in the Setup and use of the module.

API key

You must fill in your API Key from MailChimp.
This information is available in your MailChimp account:
Account / Extras / API keys
In this space, you can use the basic API key or create a new API key to associate it with your site, this usage separates usage statistics from the API key.


You must select the MailChimp mailing list to use to synchronize your subscribers.
If you do not have a mailing list in your MailChimp account, you can create a new list using the dedicated button on the form, this action will be done on the MailChimp website.

For multilingual sites, you must associate a mailing list by language in order to synchronize the data from the product catalog in the correct language.
You can use a mailing list that already has subscribers that you may have acquired through other communication channels, but subscribers present on MailChimp will not be imported into your PrestaShop store.

After selecting the mailing list you must synchronize all your PrestaShop clients to this list.
The distribution between subscribers or not will be done automatically, knowing that MailChimp counts only the subscribers for the calculation of the invoicing.


After you synchronize all your subscribers, you must associate your store with this MailChimp mailing list.

Following this association you will be able to launch the complete synchronization of your product catalog for this language.
You can choose the format of the exported product image that will be used by MailChimp when integrating your products into your newsletter.
Descriptions can be used by MailChimp if you personalized the display of your products in your emailing, please refer to the documentation of MailChimp to know how to do.

Anciennes commandes

You have selected the list, synchronized your customers, added a store in which the products are registered.
All you have to do is to synchronize the old orders of your PrestaShop store if they exist.
You can choose to synchronize only a part of the orders because it is possible that old orders only concern products that are outdated or absent from your catalog and therefore not representative of the purchases made by your customers on your shop in order to propose products that can Other customers.


An option is offered to merchants distributing their products in the marketplaces.
You can add the domain names used by these marketplaces to the email addresses of imported clients from their platforms so you do not synchronize them since you can not directly use these email addresses.
Simply enter each domain name separated by a comma.

Formulaires d'inscription

Pop-Up is an option offered by MailChimp to maximize your subscription to your newsletter. You can configure this item directly on your MailChimp account by choosing your mailing list and then the Signup forms option.

You can also replace the registration form of PrestaShop with an identical form, but you can directly send entries to your MailChimp list in real time.


You have configured all the elements of this module.
From now on all data will be synchronized in real time with MailChimp. Whether you modify your catalog (category, product, shop), a customer enrolls or changes it, an order is created or modified in the back office, a shopping cart is created by a customer, Data will be transmitted to MailChimp in real time.

When you send a campaign from MailChimp, a customer who clicks on the unsubscribe link will automatically be unsubscribed from PrestaShop.
If you enable eCommerce 360 tracking when you create your campaign, all links will be tagged and will assign any orders or shopping cart to this campaign, allowing you to see the ROI of all your campaigns.


There are fewer subscribers on MailChimp than on PrestaShop after synchronization

E-mail addresses using forbidden domain names, or referenced as "spam", or inconsistent are simply refused by MailChimp in a quality concern.

All my orders do not sync

Here, the worry is different, MailChimp synchronizes only the commands whose products are present in your product catalog at the time of synchronization. This is not a problem with real-time transmissions after purchasing a customer since the product exists is fine, but for older orders you have certainly erased more products from your catalog during all these years of operation Of your shop.

I see many errors in the usage statistics of the MailChimp API key

To properly transmit the data to MailChimp, the module first tests the existence of the data with MailChimp to determine if it should send an update to the data or create this data.
It is these repeated tests that causes the error in the statistics of the API key to increase. But it does not prove the malfunction of the module.